Apostle Iry Harris is the Pastor of In The Spirit Outreach Ministries, and a graduate of Liberty Christian Bible College, in addition, she also received her leadership certification in marriage counseling from Covenant Keepers, Inc. in Tulsa, Oklahoma; presently she is continuing her education at Imperial Bible College majoring in advanced studies. In the body of Christ she is called to the office of Prophetess, Teacher and Pastor. She believes in the Five Fold Ministry with all nine gifts flowing under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Apostle Harris was saved at the tender age of 10, preached her first sermon at 13, but later strayed as a teenager. With the hand of the Lord on her life, God continued to direct her steps until she answered the call to ministry. Through her In The Spirit Ministry of teaching healing and relationship restoration she has counseled Apostles, Bishops, Pastors, men and women from all over the country on practical biblical principals concerning marriage and singleness for the 21st century. Her outreach ministry serves to educate the body of Christ and community residents on topics that enhance their lives.

Blessed with the opportunity to have been mentored and trained under the tutelage of Bishop Lewis James and Prophet Richard Griffin she is well prepared, anointed and appointed by God for such a time as this.

Apostle Harris is trained professionally as a Technical Engineer; she also is a Certified Herbalist. Her desire is to continue to be used by God to win souls for Christ and to run the race to reach the destiny the Lord has for her life. She comes with a message of hope, deliverance and restoration, to all that are lost and oppressed.


 Her Life Verse:

Before you were formed, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. And ordained you as a prophet to the Nations.

Jeremiah 1:5


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